You are currently viewing 006: How to Achieve Abundance, Hosted by Michael D. Butler

006: How to Achieve Abundance, Hosted by Michael D. Butler


The tables have turned! In this episode, Robin passes the host’s mic to Michael D. Butler, the Founder of Beyond Publishing. Michael interviews Robin about her new book, Beyond Your Wildest Dreams, and the legacy she wants to leave the world. She also talks about budget, finance, overcoming trials, and the importance of hiring a coach. Robin ends the conversation with a piece of heart-warming advice about combining your business and the things that are important to you as you live an abundant life. Stay tuned and walk with confidence knowing you are on the right path every day!


“Having resources can make the difference between people having a good outcome or a not so good outcome in the decisions that they’re making.” -Robin Edgar


01:50 Beyond Your Wildest Dream

04:36 What is Your Budget? 

05:56 Combined to Achieve Abundance




Robin Edgar becomes her own guest, as @MichaelButlerSr, sits as the host of today’s episode of Real Talk with Robin! Know more about Robin, her new projects, and of course, her secret to abundant life. #realtalk #podcast #grace #faith #abundance… Share on X



03:48 “Having resources can make the difference between people having a good outcome or a not so good outcome in the decisions that they’re making.” -Robin Edgar

05:05 “Being mentored by someone that is experienced is never going to be a bad idea because financial wherewithal is not something that’s taught in school.” -Robin Edgar

06:26 “We have to have grace, we have to have faith, we have to have these key things and combine that with business sense and think about how that impacts and creates an abundant life for ourselves.” -Robin Edgar



Meet Michael: 

Michael D. Butler is widely known as  THE BIG MAN ON PUBLISHING. He founded Beyond Publishing, the home where best-sellers are born. Michael is also an author himself, a global speaker, and a media host. In addition to publishing, Michael also helps authors get their message out on stage through Global Elite Speakers Bureau. His successes were hard-earned. Michael stuttered as a kid and suffered discrimination and self-doubt as a result of it. But his will and passion proved to be greater, pursued his passion, learned about the industry, and mastered it, and became “the man” who he is today. He is a steady pillar that supports seasoned authors and aspiring writers alike to achieve their dreams and get their message out as the best-sellers and influencers. Michael and his team have already published 300 titles by 90 different authors in over a dozen countries! ( and still counting…) 


Connect with Beyond Publishing: 




Robin Edgar Welcome to my podcast, Real Talk with Robin, where grace and business sense come together to help you live an abundant life.

Michael Butler Now, I’m so glad you’re here in the Beyond Publishing Studios, because you are shooting 10 episodes of your podcast, you’ve got another 10 to go and you’ve been interviewing men and women from all age ranges, all walks of life, what’s your take on what you just accomplished today?

Robin Edgar Well, it was exciting. I was really emotionally impacted by how excited they were to be here and to be a part of the project and them talking about the inspiration that I had given them when I was really asking them to come in and share about them and what they do. But they were really excited to be here and be part of this project. So I think that was the big takeaway for me on just how inspired they were to be one of the first people on my podcast.

Michael Butler Real talk with Robin, that’s the name of the show. You can see in the show notes. You can see all the links here. Go listen. You got Cheri Tree from B.A.N.K owed, you had Katie Caye, young female entrepreneur, you had some amazing guests, you had Sandra and Kym Yancey. And so your show, we’re getting a lot of feedback about that, but also about the books because I know you’ve wanted to write books for a long time. Where did that dream come from?

Robin Edgar Well, I think a lot of people I’ve learned as you get older, and you kind of have experiences and wisdom, and I read a lot, I’m just an avid reader. And I have a very diverse background of things I’ve been involved with and you start thinking about your legacy. And when that final day comes, like, what are people going to be able to say about you? Or what kind of message did you leave to the world. And I think that a lot of people want to have a book that they can kind of put their stamp on and say, yeah, that was kind of the message that I wanted to leave with the world. And I wanted it to be inspirational. I wanted it to share something about my faith and my true belief on how that, you know, is something that I focus on every single day and everything I do in my work and my personal life, and to tell a story about how we can, you know, make a difference around the world. So I’m really excited about the launch of Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.

Michael Butler It’s epic. And I got to tell you, looking back, you were young, and you were probably a little scared in your life, so you’ve been thinking about this a long time, take us back to when you were a teenager? And why do you think so long term strategic about legacy now?


“Having resources can make the difference between people having a good outcome or a not so good outcome in the decisions that they’re making.” -Robin Edgar


Robin Edgar Well, I think it’s just life life happens. The other thing is that I’ve had just like everyone, a lot of trials and tribulations you’ve had, you know, I had a daughter at the age of 17, struggled financially, didn’t really understand finance at all at a young age. And although you do whatever you have to do to just get through that period, once I got through that, and looked back, I’m like, well, this is what’s really important is to have a stable family life for my kids, to have a financial wherewithal to not be in a position where when the unexpected happens that I’m lost and afraid and alone and that having resources really can make the difference between people having a good outcome or a not so good outcome in the decisions that they’re making. So as I got older, and looking back, I realized that kind of every time I hit what you would call kind of a plateau or going down or something didn’t go right, that it was really what I did to get out of that that helped me have growth in my business and growth in my personal life and more confidence to speak about what I had learned.

Michael Butler One of the questions we get, because I know you’re in the financial services industry, what do you say to a woman that maybe has gone through divorce? She’s in her 30s or 40s, who says, “I’ve had some financial mishaps? How can I recalibrate and just get relaunched so I can get caught up basically?”


“Being mentored by someone that is experienced is never going to be a bad idea because financial wherewithal is not something that’s taught in school.” -Robin Edgar


Robin Edgar Yeah. Well, I think that a budget is important. And that’s an overused term. When I use the word budget with people, a lot of people look at me like, Well, I have a budget. But I really think that people need to focus on what is it ultimately that I need to provide? We have to have the necessary things in our life. And then where is it that I want to go beyond that. I also think that having help from someone that’s in that field, no matter where you’re at in life, no matter how much money you have, being mentored or coached or advised by someone that is experienced, is just never going to be a bad idea because you don’t know what you don’t know. And financial wherewithal is not something that’s taught in high school, it’s not something that’s really taught in college. I mean, I have a lot of people that have four and six and eight year degrees, that still aren’t–

Michael Butler They don’t really get it do they?

Robin Edgar — financially adapt, because it’s not their zone of genius. And so like–

Michael Butler So you come along and teach them and help them with that?

Robin Edgar Yes.  And that’s what they need to do is they need to find people that they can trust and that they like and that really listen to them, and help them make those small movements. Because you’re not going to go from zero to 100 overnight, you’re gonna need to take a lot of baby steps along the way and having some help and guidance is really what’s important for that to happen.

Michael Butler Well, I think it’s very powerful, what you teach your clients, and it’s a strategic long term plan where you’re really making a difference in your grandchildren, your great grandchildren’s life. So you came up with an amazing slogan or trailer for your podcast and your show, a Real talk Robin, tell us what is the slogan, and then how did you come up with that? And work right here and tell everybody.


“We have to have grace, we have to have faith, we have to have these key things and combine that with business sense and think about how that impacts and creates an abundant life for ourselves.” -Robin Edgar


Robin EdgarYes. Well, it’s where grace and business come together to create an abundance life. So we’ve got to have grace, we have to have faith, we have to have these key things. And we actually have to combine that with business sense whether you work for someone else or own your own business. And we need to think about those things as far as how that impacts and creates an abundant life for ourselves. And it really just ties together the things that I think are the most important.

Michael Butler Well, it’s exciting Real Talk with Robin.